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argieArt 2006

a Primer consisting of
rough drafts of
sketchy notes to
the full-time
occasional artist


another wave on another ocean in another universe at another time


l21 : slightly longer list , pseudo random and predominately chaotic , regarding a similar topic :

The Absolute exists or does not exist, but you are uninterested in determining the veracity of this matter .

The Absolute exists or does not exist, but you are incapable of determining which, if either .

The Absolute's existence or nonexistence is irrelevant to your life , whether you believe this to be so or not .

(The Absolute neither exists nor does not exist) in a manner unequivalent to (The Absolute both exists and does not exist) .

The Absolute both exists and does not exist :

. The Absolute does not exist - said Non Existence being an act of The Absolute . The Absolute Exists as something other than some sort of entity or apprehensible construct .
. The Absolute exists and/or does not exist depending on circumstances or some other condition(s) .
. The Absolute only exists during such moments as you do not exist .
. The Absolute only does not exist :
. The Absolute does not exist, yet other entities' belief in The Absolute is relevant to your existence .
. The Absolute does not exist, yet you find it worthwhile maintaining the belief The Absolute does .
. The Absolute does not exist , yet remains oblivious to this fact .
. The Absolute exists :
. The Absolute exists, but hasn't noticed that you exist .

. The Absolute exists , but doesn’t realize this to be so :

; Possible situations should linear time(s) exist :
, The Absolute was previously aware of The Absolute’s existence , but has involuntarily forgotten said Existence .
, The Absolute was previously aware of The Absolute’s existence , and has voluntarily forgotten said Existence .
, The Absolute was previously unaware of The Absolute’s existence , and Chooses to continue dis-remembering – at least for now .
. The Absolute was previously unaware of The Absolute’s existence , but is beginning to take note of It .
. Etceteras regarding alleged future(s) .
. The Absolute exists, but such existence is irrelevant to (your) existence .

.The Absolute exists, but The Absolute's character is entirely different than what you have been taught :
, The Absolute's character is so different from what you have been taught as to make your sensibility regarding the nature of The Absolute entirely irrelevant .
, The Absolute's character is sufficiently different from what you have been taught as to make your sensibility regarding the nature of The Absolute only minimally relevant .
, Etceteras .

. The Absolute exists, but intermediaries thwart your direct perception and/or direct interaction with The Absolute :
, Intermediaries thwart your direct perception and/or direct interaction with The Absolute so much as to make that relationship irrelevant .
, The Absolute exists in a way essentially intangible to you .
, The Absolute exists, but not in any way conceivable by sentient life, particularly you .
, The Absolute exists, but does not wish you to know That .
, The Absolute exists, and such existence is relevant to (your) existence .
, The Absolute exists, yet no existing system of belief (e.g. religion) adequately or sufficiently represents The Absolute's existence .
, The Absolute exists, and only one conceptualization of The Absolute (one religion) is correct .

. The Absolute exists, and all systems of belief (e.g. religions) are correct :
. Seeming contradictions between religions are illusory :
, Human reasoning is insufficient to reconcile the illusory differences .
, Seeming contradictions between religions are a result of human error .
, Contradictions between religions are deliberate on The Absolute's part .
, All systems of belief regarding The Absolute are essentially correct, and so contradictions among them are merely different in the manner that one cuisine is apperceived differently from another .

. The Absolute exists, and systems of belief (e.g. religions) vary in accuracy and applicability :
, Contradictions among various beliefs regarding The Absolute represent a fundamental difference, just as one menu might supply adequate nutrients for a given lifestyle , and another might not .

, The Absolute exists , but you do not , (in the sense of) being only :
, a delusional construct .
, a reflexive iota of perturbation .
, etcetera .

Additional conceptualizations , conundrums and condiments of consciousness :
, The Absolute is multiple in character
, The Absolute is singular in character
, The Absolute is both singular and multiple in character
, The Absolute is of some fractal , irrational , transcendent (or/and so forth measure)
, The Absolute is beyond conceptualization, comprehension, and/or analysis
, The Absolute is void in character
, Not all are capable of directly apprehending (the nature of) The Absolute
, The Absolute is always being directly perceived by all beings, yet various opinions abound regarding this direct perception
, The Absolute is utilizing you as a supposedly impartial observer of The Absolute
, The Absolute is playing hide and seek with each seeker among the constructs of “Reality”
, The Absolute manifests as the divine beloved
, It is always the moment of creation (and dissolution)

l21 : short list of sundry , mostly frivolous , considerations regarding the Absolute :



k11 : temporal unportal ~ prototype

. below one uncaught not in time above
, an other to pass both in and out

; one so free except for love
, others filled all of joy and doubt


j31 : alone on stone bench

shall knowledge-hallowed halls , accumulated pasts
find in time some time to save her
or rather herself making such effort
to deeply comprehend
too natural a mind
an alleged innermost self

or choose rather to remain
embeded along the margins , blood-soothed temples
an honor-filled field full no more of gladness
and search some more for some lost shore
upon these bounds , her sea of sadness


j20 : blank page verse in olde bookstore of prayers

fruitfully decided, some say
with feet of clay, prayers proffered less as
spam for a One Most Unary Sublime
speckled divinely
properly dopplered or arisen supinely
in mind undivided
in seeking perfect endings'
procedural proscriptions
more properly decided

to be procedurally
propped up to end us
our strange proceedings , habits most weirdly
or cultivate thought forms in pleasant pasture
requesting more thoughtful
processions sublime
yet blood of grape
an acquired taste.


j18 : untrap my paradox

as though in prevention
stately dementias
shared songs in old minds
demigods on pensions
among several paradises thrum
as though formed leased or owning
'pon our pluperfect mission's resumption
poured mistakenly forth from
no intention of frowning
thin-lipped laughing mouths
quite so unpleased are some
in the fountains you mentioned
as though nonstarter monsters
all noble and brave
dance on blossoms of plum
afloat in undrowning , oar
off to battle all
sung-sloped sleek graces of
curvacious wave , or merely war's tension
of a slightly less gracious
state of redemption


j12 : late bloom along a way , study

all shapes in colors of consciousness
we shift from the one to the other
our mind juxtaposes our restlessness
thus thinking the next will be better

in just such a manner
strolling and seeing
lusts formed from the matter of
a circuitous reasoning being

are we not the best
at so framing our lives
vignettes of a process
as never arrives

yet transcending the sensual
where these merge with those
lost moments essential
last blush, fading rose


j08 : away from home away from home

awakening here and there and leaving or , as if you might park it
the grand vehicle of your alleged self , all as if you're just who you seek
each universe left there , to walk away home
you’d be then outside , there is no outside
only an inside , universe or maybe
as if nested containers , dolls , within a somewhat more so as do

daughters have mothers each one and all , on down these myriad halls of time
all smaller and smaller , each from within her ubiquitous a priori
'til finally the largest seen to reside , within a mere smallest
heaven asleep in its mustard seed
or we who all have all our opinions of views , and some who now cling
to others who merely , just walked away home