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argieArt 2006

a Primer consisting of
rough drafts of
sketchy notes to
the full-time
occasional artist


another wave on another ocean in another universe at another time


l21 : slightly longer list , pseudo random and predominately chaotic , regarding a similar topic :

The Absolute exists or does not exist, but you are uninterested in determining the veracity of this matter .

The Absolute exists or does not exist, but you are incapable of determining which, if either .

The Absolute's existence or nonexistence is irrelevant to your life , whether you believe this to be so or not .

(The Absolute neither exists nor does not exist) in a manner unequivalent to (The Absolute both exists and does not exist) .

The Absolute both exists and does not exist :

. The Absolute does not exist - said Non Existence being an act of The Absolute . The Absolute Exists as something other than some sort of entity or apprehensible construct .
. The Absolute exists and/or does not exist depending on circumstances or some other condition(s) .
. The Absolute only exists during such moments as you do not exist .
. The Absolute only does not exist :
. The Absolute does not exist, yet other entities' belief in The Absolute is relevant to your existence .
. The Absolute does not exist, yet you find it worthwhile maintaining the belief The Absolute does .
. The Absolute does not exist , yet remains oblivious to this fact .
. The Absolute exists :
. The Absolute exists, but hasn't noticed that you exist .

. The Absolute exists , but doesn’t realize this to be so :

; Possible situations should linear time(s) exist :
, The Absolute was previously aware of The Absolute’s existence , but has involuntarily forgotten said Existence .
, The Absolute was previously aware of The Absolute’s existence , and has voluntarily forgotten said Existence .
, The Absolute was previously unaware of The Absolute’s existence , and Chooses to continue dis-remembering – at least for now .
. The Absolute was previously unaware of The Absolute’s existence , but is beginning to take note of It .
. Etceteras regarding alleged future(s) .
. The Absolute exists, but such existence is irrelevant to (your) existence .

.The Absolute exists, but The Absolute's character is entirely different than what you have been taught :
, The Absolute's character is so different from what you have been taught as to make your sensibility regarding the nature of The Absolute entirely irrelevant .
, The Absolute's character is sufficiently different from what you have been taught as to make your sensibility regarding the nature of The Absolute only minimally relevant .
, Etceteras .

. The Absolute exists, but intermediaries thwart your direct perception and/or direct interaction with The Absolute :
, Intermediaries thwart your direct perception and/or direct interaction with The Absolute so much as to make that relationship irrelevant .
, The Absolute exists in a way essentially intangible to you .
, The Absolute exists, but not in any way conceivable by sentient life, particularly you .
, The Absolute exists, but does not wish you to know That .
, The Absolute exists, and such existence is relevant to (your) existence .
, The Absolute exists, yet no existing system of belief (e.g. religion) adequately or sufficiently represents The Absolute's existence .
, The Absolute exists, and only one conceptualization of The Absolute (one religion) is correct .

. The Absolute exists, and all systems of belief (e.g. religions) are correct :
. Seeming contradictions between religions are illusory :
, Human reasoning is insufficient to reconcile the illusory differences .
, Seeming contradictions between religions are a result of human error .
, Contradictions between religions are deliberate on The Absolute's part .
, All systems of belief regarding The Absolute are essentially correct, and so contradictions among them are merely different in the manner that one cuisine is apperceived differently from another .

. The Absolute exists, and systems of belief (e.g. religions) vary in accuracy and applicability :
, Contradictions among various beliefs regarding The Absolute represent a fundamental difference, just as one menu might supply adequate nutrients for a given lifestyle , and another might not .

, The Absolute exists , but you do not , (in the sense of) being only :
, a delusional construct .
, a reflexive iota of perturbation .
, etcetera .

Additional conceptualizations , conundrums and condiments of consciousness :
, The Absolute is multiple in character
, The Absolute is singular in character
, The Absolute is both singular and multiple in character
, The Absolute is of some fractal , irrational , transcendent (or/and so forth measure)
, The Absolute is beyond conceptualization, comprehension, and/or analysis
, The Absolute is void in character
, Not all are capable of directly apprehending (the nature of) The Absolute
, The Absolute is always being directly perceived by all beings, yet various opinions abound regarding this direct perception
, The Absolute is utilizing you as a supposedly impartial observer of The Absolute
, The Absolute is playing hide and seek with each seeker among the constructs of “Reality”
, The Absolute manifests as the divine beloved
, It is always the moment of creation (and dissolution)


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